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Friday, March 31, 2023

‘Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’ Filmmakers Talk the ‘Freaks and Geeks’ Reunion and That A-List Cameo - Hollywood Reporter

[This story contains spoilers for Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.]

If 2023 is any indication, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves filmmakers Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley have leveled up. 

The writing-and-directing duo’s fantasy adventure film, which is based on the beloved tabletop role-playing game, has been met with rave reviews from critics and audiences, and most impressively, they’ve managed to pull off the impossible by satisfying both D&D die-hards and newcomers to the world. Furthermore, Goldstein and Daley even have a story credit on one of the buzziest superhero films of all time, The Flash, which finally releases in June after first being announced in 2014. (The pair left the project as writer-directors in 2019 due to creative differences.)

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Daley is most known for his role as the D&D-playing Sam Weir on the short-lived cult classic Freaks and Geeks, and when Paramount’s marketing department pitched a D&D-related reunion among Daley’s character, Samm Levine’s Neal Schweiber and Martin Starr’s Bill Haverchuck, Daley couldn’t resist the full-circle moment that promoted his new movie in the process.

“I jumped at the chance, because it is truly bizarre and amazing that there is this association with me as Sam Weir playing Dungeons & Dragons 23 years ago and now co-directing and co-writing this film,” Daley tells The Hollywood Reporter

Daley’s days as a full-time TV actor are still paying dividends, as he first met his future creative partner Goldstein on the set of The Geena Davis Show (2000-01), where the latter was a writer at the time. And five years later on Kitchen Confidential (2005-06), Daley forged a relationship with a now-acclaimed actor and director who would later provide a rather delightful and unexpected cameo in Dungeons & Dragons, as Holga’s (Michelle Rodriguez) ex-lover, Marlamin. The surprise appearance was added during the later stages of postproduction. (Skip the following quote if you’ve yet to see the film.)

“I co-starred with Bradley [Cooper] on the show Kitchen Confidential when I was 19 years old, and we appreciated each other’s careers from afar after that experience,” Daley shares. “So I don’t remember who it was that pitched Bradley, but the second I heard the name, I thought, ‘Oh, let’s go for it.’ So we sent him a copy of the unfinished film and he loved it. So he was ready to jump on board, and it was such an awesome day.”

Below, during a recent conversation with THR, Goldstein also discusses the film’s test screenings that ultimately led to additional photography.

John, the studio just released a brilliant promo spot for Dungeons & Dragons in the form of a Freaks and Geeks reunion with Samm Levine and Martin Starr. How did this come together? 

John Francis Daley: Well, I would like to take the credit for it, but it was actually an idea from a brilliant person in our marketing department at Paramount. She was friends with Martin [Starr] and thought it would be a fun mini-reunion for the Geeks. So I jumped at the chance, because it is truly bizarre and amazing that there is this association with me as Sam Weir playing Dungeons & Dragons 23 years ago and now co-directing and co-writing this film. 

Was this the same marketing team that put creepy smiling people at baseball games to promote Smile

Daley: I think it probably was the same people, and I still think that was one of the most genius marketing schemes to this day. 

Did Freaks and Geeks kickstart your affinity for D&D?

Daley: It did. It definitely introduced me to the mechanics of the game and what made it so special. But admittedly, it wasn’t until I was an adult that I picked it back up. This was a few years before we started on the film, and I fell back in love with it. There is this unpredictability in the storytelling and this sense of fun and humor that is naturally associated with D&D, and that’s what makes it so appealing as a film.

Directors Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley on the set of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Directors Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley on the set of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Jonathan, for those who may be unfamiliar, how did you and John first link up? 

Jonathan Goldstein: John was an actor on a sitcom called The Geena Davis Show, and I was in the writing room for it. It was one of my first TV writing gigs, and one day, John stopped to show me these shorts he had made with visual effects in them. And he was just a kid, so it was like, “Holy shit.” And then I brought in DVDs converted from VHS to show him what I made at that age in high school or middle school. So it was very much a meeting of the minds, and we kept in touch about some TV ideas that John could perhaps play the lead in. And then we wrote a pilot, which didn’t wind up going anywhere, but we eventually decided to try and write a feature together. And that became the first thing we sold [The $40,000 Man]. It got us on The Black List and launched our feature career. We had both always aspired to direct, and then New Line came to us with Vacation and said, “Would you like to direct it as well as write it?” And we said, “For sure.” And here we are.

So how did you manage to adapt a tabletop role-playing game in a way that appeals to both its devout fans and the uninitiated, such as myself, without being too inside baseball?

Daley: That’s the inherent challenge, and we wouldn’t have even taken on a project that’s so ambitious, with such a fine line to walk, without knowing that there was a way to initiate the unfamiliar and also satisfy the familiar. So it’s all about story and characters. You have to approach it like a movie that you want to see, not what’s essentially a commercial for a game.

Goldstein: You don’t need to read Tolkien to enjoy the Lord of the Rings movies, and you don’t need to know much about the Star Wars universe to enjoy those original Star Wars movies. You feel like you’re part of a big world, but you don’t really need to know the ins and outs of it. What you’re following is the story of some characters who you start to invest in, and so that’s really how we approached it.

Daley: I’ve used this very bizarre example because it is so different tonally, but what was so incredible about The Wire was that these characters would talk shop and you had absolutely no idea what they were saying. But you understood the intention behind it, and after a while, you’d start to inadvertently learn the language. And so that was a fun way to inundate audiences without alienating them.

Chris Pine plays Edgin in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Chris Pine plays Edgin in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Coming off of Star Trek and Wonder Woman, how receptive was Chris Pine at first to joining another potential franchise? Were you worried that he’d already scratched this sort of itch? 

Goldstein: He responded to the writing and to the script, and he saw the potential. It helped that his nephew was right in the middle of an ongoing D&D campaign, which he then sat in on and saw how much the kids enjoyed it. So he saw the potential of the D&D world, but he also liked the idea of playing a somewhat different role. A bard who plays the lute and sings and dances is not exactly the typical leading man part, and that had a real appeal to him.

Heist films are often viewed as metaphors for filmmaking, but Chris’ character really does fit the mold of a director. He comes up with the plan and his partners execute it. Was Edgin the director not lost on either of you? 

Daley: Yeah, he’s also dealing with this cast of characters, if you will, where every laid plan goes wrong in some way, and that, to us, is very much the directing process. (Laughs.) You never quite get what you set out to do, and there’s a beauty in that as long as you give yourself up to that unpredictability and figure out how to pivot in ways that could end up improving what you had originally wanted to do.

Michelle Rodriguez plays Holga, Justice Smith plays Simon, Chris Pine plays Edgin and Sophia Lillis plays Doric in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
From left: Michelle Rodriguez plays Holga, Justice Smith plays Simon, Chris Pine plays Edgin and Sophia Lillis plays Doric in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Goldstein: Edgin also has this power of charm and indefatigable belief that if you just power through, you can get to your goal, and that becomes infectious for the group. And as a film director, you have to have that, too, no matter how difficult it gets. Your actors and your crew all have to believe that your vision is going to get them to the finish line.

[The next question and answer contains a notable spoiler.]

Well, on the subject of Holga’s (Michelle Rodriguez) former beloved, Marlamin, how did this out-of-left-field cameo go down?

Daley: Well, I co-starred with Bradley [Cooper] on the show Kitchen Confidential when I was 19 years old, and we appreciated each other’s careers from afar after that experience. And so when this opportunity came up, we knew we wanted someone to inhabit the role that brought with it this sense of gravitas and just full-on acting chops. So I don’t remember who it was that pitched Bradley, but the second I heard the name, I thought, “Oh, let’s go for it.” So we sent him a copy of the unfinished film and he loved it. So he was ready to jump on board, and it was such an awesome day.

So it was added toward the very end …

Daley: That’s right. 

Rage Against the Machine guitarist and prominent D&D player Tom Morello also has a cameo in the film as Kimathi Stormhollow, who he plays as in real-life games. Is he going to get you guys a guest pass to Joe Manganiello’s star-studded game? 

Daley & Goldstein: (Laugh.)

Goldstein: I don’t think we’re cool enough for that game. 

Daley: I think you have to have a tattoo to be allowed into that game, and neither of us [have tattoos]. 

Goldstein: But we’ll get tattoos if we need to. 

I’ve heard some good reactions to your movie from some of the people who play in that game, so I like your odds of being observers at the very least. 

Daley: That’s good to hear!

As far as the impressive oner that shows off Doric’s (Sophia Lillis) abilities, was that the sequence that cost you the most sleep?

Goldstein: (Laughs.) Yeah, it was up there. Part of it was just getting the visual effects to where they needed to be, and COVID really did a number on some visual effects places. And so we kept waiting for new iterations and it went longer than we had hoped. Ultimately, it got pretty close to where we hoped it would be. There’s some amazing visual effects in this movie, and our vendors did incredible work throughout the process. That was just the one sequence that took the longest to get there.

Daley: And we have to give a shout-out to our storyboard artist Darrin Denlinger, who worked hand in hand with us on that sequence. He really helped to elevate it to the place that we’re all so proud of, but it was a process that took weeks and weeks over the course of the shoot. And sometimes, it was not in order, much like our oner in Game Night. And that, in and of itself, is kind of a mind-fuck, because you have to keep your eye on the throughline of the chase. But obviously, it was very gratifying when we got to a place where it started to come together.

What were your conversations with marketing like? What did you want to lean into versus hold back in the trailers and TV spots? 

Goldstein: Well, all of our movies turn out to be challenges to market because they don’t fall neatly into one genre bucket. And so we feel for the marketing team because they only have 30 seconds or two minutes to get across what the movie is. So it was really about finding the same balance that we struggled with while making the movie, which is how much comedy and how much big, epic action. And we also wanted to make sure we got across the unique tone of the film, but that’s hard to do in a short amount of time.

Daley: It was also really important to us to showcase the heart throughout this film. Our characters are earnest, and they’re not taking the piss out of the world that they’re living in. And to be able to sell that in a minute and a half is particularly challenging because you have a lot to establish. So it was a process, but [the marketing team] was super receptive to our thoughts and notes throughout it.

Directors Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley and Chris Pine on the set of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Directors Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley with Chris Pine (right) on the set of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

And what did you learn from your test screenings? 

Goldstein: Well, the biggest thing was that there was confusion over what the bad guys are up to. So we actually went back and did a reshoot where we clarified that with a flashback in Thay where you see Szass Tam rise above the crowd and do the beckoning death. So rather than just talking about it, we thought it would help the audience to be able to see it happen in the flashback.

Daley: And more generally speaking, what those test audiences give us is invaluable insight into where we have them on the hook and when they start to fall off. And so we would study the audience throughout every moment to see if we were going off on too much of a tangent, comedically, that we were alienating the audience, or if we were being too serious and hitting them with so many proper nouns that they were starting to get confused and frustrated. So it’s a wildly helpful tool to be able to use, especially with something like this where you’re really trying to play the audience like a fiddle.

Goldstein: And when he says we studied the audience, he means that, literally. We had infrared cameras on the crowd, and so if you do go to one of these screenings, make sure you don’t pick your nose because we will know. 

Daley & Goldstein: (Laugh.)

So who can I blame for the lack of a Game Night sequel?

Goldstein: I guess it would be us, really. 

Daley & Goldstein: (Laugh.)

Goldstein: Our favorite thing is to leave the audience wanting more, as opposed to hitting them over the head. And that was a case where we ended the movie with a sort of fake setup for a sequel, but we feel like it might be hard to top what we did.

When you first saw Jesse Plemons’ performance on your monitor, did you immediately high-five each other? 

Goldstein: Oh yeah! 

Daley: We also high-fived each other before that during our first table read with the cast. Table reads often charge you up as an actor and you might push things a little further for a comedic effect, but [Plemons] stayed as that droll, muted, humorless guy throughout. And that’s a real testament to him as a performer. He knew exactly what he wanted that character to be, and it was a revelation seeing him read alongside the rest of the cast.

Lastly, I know the company line is that you’re superstitious and that everybody just wanted to make one good movie, but do you have some idea of how you’d handle Szass Tam in another Dungeons & Dragons installment? 

Daley: We have some idea. (Laughs.) But at this point, we’re just focused on trying to get this thing out there, and we’re so happy that we ended up making the film that we set out to make.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is now playing in movie theaters. This interview was edited for length and clarity

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Exit of Netflix’s Lisa Nishimura Marks End of an Era for the Streamer - Hollywood Reporter

With the exit of long-tenured film executive Lisa Nishimura on Thursday, Netflix has officially entered its austerity age — whatever that may mean for the streaming powerhouse.

Nishimura’s 15 years at the company have spanned the streaming boom, Oscar wins and multiple restructuring efforts. Noted one industry veteran that has long worked with Nishimura, “It’s a signal that the most thoughtful, taste-driven era is being driven out.”

Under film head Scott Stuber, the film division was long bifurcated according to budgets: tentpoles and indies, with the former sitting around the $30 million to $40 million and way upwards, and the latter sitting below that. Former exec Tendo Nagenda, who joined the streamer from the four-quadrant heavy hitter Disney, oversaw films like the Russo brothers’ The Gray Man and the Extraction films, as well as the Knives Out franchise and The Old Guard. Nishimura’s team oversaw, well, most everything else.

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“When I joined, [my job] was to buy DVDs from all the non-major studios that were selling, whether it was English-language or foreign, fiction or nonfiction,” Nishimura said in a 2020 interview with The Hollywood Reporter. The output from Nishimura’s original film division ranged from film festival acquisitions and more auteur-driven features. It also oversaw the streamer’s rom-coms, which were the domain of Ian Bricke, who also exited as a part of this week’s restructuring. Netflix was credited with helping to revive the genre with original projects like Set It Up, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before and the Kissing Booth films. Nishimura and Bricke were well-regarded in Hollywood, particularly in the indie filmmaking space, with the industry expressing general shock at their exits.

Nishimura long oversaw docs and docuseries, which earned the streamer its early awards success. Netflix’s first Oscar win came in 2017 with The White Helmets for doc short, and it was followed by Icarus in 2018 for best doc feature. Nishimura’s purview also included nonfiction series hits like Chef’s Table and Making a Murderer, and later, the phenom Tiger King. (Dan Silver will oversee documentary efforts, taking on projects previously overseen by Nishimura.)

Also notable about Nishimura’s tenure was her status as a high-ranking Asian American film executive. “As a Japanese person, as an underrepresented person, Lisa represented so much. She is one of the single most important Asian executives in the business,” says a sales agent and financier. In his note following Nishimura’s exit, Stuber described her as “a champion for inclusion on and off screen, a leader and mentor to countless colleagues, and a trusted partner to the creative community.”

An initial restructuring of Netflix’s film division came in 2021 with the elevation of Kira Goldberg and Ori Marmur, who were charged with making commercial films not terribly dissimilar to Nagenda’s mandate but functioning separately. Warner Bros. exec Niija Kuykendall also joined in 2021, with a mandate to focus on midbudget films that would fall above Nishimura’s indies but below the commercial fare overseen by the other vps.

Nagenda’s exit came in August 2022, at which point Goldberg and Marmur took over his slate. With Nishimura departure, Goldberg, Marmur and Kuykendall will oversee all original films. The restructuring has been billed as an effort to curb confusion and streamline all film efforts.

The industry has long voiced perplexity over Netflix’s org chart. Pitching a single project to multiple teams — and getting different answers from those teams — was not uncommon. Some insiders who spoke with THR suggested that Nishimura, whom one exec described as a “Netflix celebrity,” was spread too thin over too big of a slate.

The restructuring also comes as Netflix is looking to scale back production. It’s an about-face from when, at the top of 2021, the streamer was touting “one new movie every week” with a slate of some 70 features. That announcement came as the company was looking to bulk up its own originals library as other studios launched their respective streamers.

As of early 2022, the streamer’s mandate has been to do fewer films that are seen as bigger and of better quality, so as to maintain its consumer audience and reduce subscriber churn, a noted stock killer. This left Netflix’s indie films in a precarious position. “Unless you’re doing it for awards and being OK with losing money, that’s not a viable business to be in. [Netflix] is now about bigger budgets and bigger star packages,” says one rep whose talent often works on the Netflix film slate.

As for 2023, sources have told THR that the streamer has been pulling back costs on feature film projects, with budget concerns holding up productions (see: Nancy Meyers). Recently, the streamer offloaded two finished original productions.

Of course, this all comes as the industry is undergoing greater contraction as it weathers post-pandemic pressures and difficult macroeconomic conditions. Disney is in the middle of 7,000-person layoffs, which included high-ranking executive Marvel’s Ike Perlmutter, while networks and studios are offloading finished projects and rescinding renewals.

Borys Kit contributed to this report.

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Vanderpump Rules’ Tom Sandoval Shares His Regrets About Affair With Raquel Leviss - E! NEWS

As for Tom and Raquel, 28, the pair "admitted their affair started as a hook up and wasn't a relationship right away," during the March 23 taping, per the source and by the day's end, the Schwartz & Sandy's co-owner "was really emotional and regretful."

On the other hand, Ariana, 37, was emotional, but "she also kept her cool," with the source noting that "she cried but came prepared to talk too."

Fans will see the drama sur-ved up firsthand during the upcoming multi-part reunion.

Vanderpump Rules airs Wednesdays on Bravo.

(E! and Bravo are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)

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Monday, March 27, 2023

Taylor Swift Accepts The 2023 iHeartRadio Innovator Award! - iHeartRadio

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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Kelly Clarkson Announces Post-Divorce Album ‘Chemistry,’ Explains Meaning Behind the Title - Billboard

Kelly Clarkson has officially announced the title of her upcoming post-divorce album.

The 40-year-old pop superstar and television personality shared the exciting news through social media on Sunday (March 26), revealing details about the album’s title, Chemistry, and assuring fans that new music will be arriving very soon.

“I’ve been working on this project for close to three years now. I wasn’t sure I was going to release it, but I am. The album is called Chemistry,” Clarkson said in a video on Instagram.

“I was trying to find a word, it might be one of the songs on the album, but I was trying to find a word that really described the whole thing. I didn’t want everybody to think I was just coming out with some ‘I’m angry,’ ‘I’m sad’ — just one or two emotions. This album is definitely the arc of an entire relationship.”

The Kelly Clarkson Show host added, “That whole relationship shouldn’t be brought down to one thing. There’s the good, the bad and the ugly kind of thing going on. Chemistry can be a really amazing, sexy, cool, fun thing, but it can also be very bad for you. So that’s why I named it Chemistry, I thought it was the perfect title to describe the entire album.”

Clarkson did not reveal a specific release date for Chemistry, but said the album is “coming out soon” and noted that new music from the forthcoming release is “coming out even sooner.”

The songstress said in a September 2022 interview with Variety that she had been working on new music in the wake of her separation and subsequent divorce filing from ex-husband Brandon Blackstock in 2020.

“My producer and I were laughing yesterday because I was like, ‘Remember that time we wrote, like, 25 songs in a week?’ A lot of those are the ones that are on the album,” Clarkson told Variety. “I literally wrote most of these almost two years ago. Then I told my label, ‘I can’t talk about this until I’ve gone through it,’ and it’s just taken some time to do that. That’s one of the reasons we’ve done a lot of Christmas stuff the past two years — because I was like, ‘Well, that’s happy!’”

Clarkson’s most recent album, the holiday release When Christmas Comes Around, arrived in 2021. Prior to that, she dropped her eighth studio album, 2017’s Meaning of Life, which peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard 200.

The singer’s upcoming Chemistry album was reportedly inspired by the “emotional journey” she went through during her tumultuous split with Blackstone, with whom she has two young children.

“I hadn’t really been working hardcore on an album until I needed to. I was just very busy,” Clarkson said of the album, which will be released on Atlantic Records.

“There were so many jobs, and I’m a single mom — well, even with being married, it’s a lot, trying to fit kids’ schedules in and all that stuff. But then the whole divorce thing happened, and I needed to write it. And then I didn’t know if I was going to release it, because you can be very angry in that state of mind. So some of the songs, they definitely cover the gamut of emotions; there’s everything on the album. It’s almost like the arc of a relationship, because the beginning is so beautiful and so sweet, and then it evolves. And sometimes it doesn’t evolve how you want.”

Watch Clarkson’s Chemistry album announcement on Instagram below.

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Lionsgate’s Joe Drake Wants To See Keanu Reeves In More ‘John Wick’ Pics After ‘Chapter 4’ Franchise Record B.O. Debut: “We’re Not Ready To Say Goodbye” - Deadline

Lionsgate Motion Picture Group Chair Joe Drake had much to celebrate this morning. The studio reaped a record global and domestic box office debut for the John Wick franchise, with John Wick: Chapter 4 making $137.5M WW and $73.5M. The fourthquel was the best-received John Wick of all-time with audiences (A CinemaScore) and critics (95% certified fresh). The movie is arguably the second-best global opening for Reeves, after The Matrix Revolution’s $201.4M.

Despite Chapter 4 being the arguable swan song of Reeves’ martial arts maestro title character in the core canon, Drake tells Deadline today, “We’re not ready to say goodbye to Keanu with this franchise. It’s what alternative there will be.”

Reeves already confirmed before a rapturous SXSW audience that he’ll be back for the John Wick spinoff, The Ballerina, starring Ana de Armas and directed by Len Wiseman. But the hope by Drake is that there’s even more for Reeves left in the canon.

“There’s a lot of different things that we can do,” Drake adds.

“I’ve seen this movie five times in the last week,” the exec says. “I can see the way that the audience moves him.”

In regards to when we’ll see The Ballerina, Drake tells us a 2024 date is planned, in either the spring or summer. The originally conceived Starz series (now moved to Peacock) John Wick spinoff, The Continental, is potentially eyeing a fall premiere, Drake telling us that, “The episodes are nearly finished.”

John Wick movies have played all over the calendar, including the first one in October 2014, the second in February 2017, and the third in May 2019. The fourthquel previously had a Memorial Day weekend release in 2022, before production delays pushed it to its current March 24-26 frame (Chapter 4 was finished at the end of last year). Drake told us that March seemed ripe, as Lionsgate had great luck on this weekend with the first Hunger Games ($152.5M opening).

“We liked March as a place to get it open,” he adds, “The history is there for us. There’s a nice runway here, as I think the movie can run and run, given its CinemaScore.”

In regards to marketing, what was key was not selling the pic as the same old, same old “This is the end” of John Wick. Rather, emphasizing — per the exec — that “John Wick is not a superhero. He’s a man who has lost the only thing that he’s loved at the beginning of this franchise; everything he did after that has motivated his actions. (He’s) a man in search of peace. There’s a chance that John Wick could find peace.”

“We saw a way to enrich the audience experience, that he might find peace, that he might have a chance out.”

A key image in the one sheets was the hourglass “tie” image filled with bullet shells hanging around John Wick’s neck.

What continually amazes is how John Wick is a non-superhero, original franchise, which has mushroomed at the box office after audiences found the first film in the home entertainment window and turned its sequels into tentpoles. The first John Wick opened to $14.4M in October 2014 and finaled at $43M domestic, $86M WW. John Wick: Chapter 2 got bigger in February 2017 with a $30.4M U.S./Canada start, and final stateside of $92M and $174.3M WW. Then 2019’s John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum reached bigger heights, with a $56.8M domestic opening, a $171M final, and $328.3M WW take. With the opening of Chapter 4, the John Wick franchise now stands at $726.2M.

It was commonplace back in the 1980s and 1990s for franchises to build big screen afterlives out of their popularity at home, Austin Powers being one of the great textbook examples. John Wick was an old-school example, blazing a trail in an era when DVD sales were faltering and streaming butting up against the big screen in regards to the types of movies which work.

In terms of that home entertainment-to-big screen phenomenon, is John Wick the last of its kind?

Says Drake, it’s these types of successes in the motion picture business which “gets me up every morning.”

“We had a tiny movie in John Wick, and a tiny movie in The Hunger Games,” says Drake, “I believe there’s another one.”

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Article From & Read More ( Lionsgate’s Joe Drake Wants To See Keanu Reeves In More ‘John Wick’ Pics After ‘Chapter 4’ Franchise Record B.O. Debut: “We’re Not Ready To Say Goodbye” - Deadline )

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Daniel Radcliffe Expecting First Baby With Girlfriend Erin Darke - E! NEWS

There's magic in the air for Daniel Radcliffe.

The Harry Potter star and girlfriend Erin Darke are expecting their first child together, the actor's rep confirmed to E! News on March 25.

The news comes as the pair, who have been dating for over a decade, were recently photographed during a New York City outing, where Erin's visible baby bump could be seen underneath her black hoodie.

Daniel, 33, and Erin, 38, first sparked romance rumors after starring together in 2013 film Kill Your Darlings, and have since kept their relationship strong. In fact, one of the strong pillars of their relationship is how they're able to be themselves around each other.

"I grew up doing lots of things where I thought, 'This is super nerdy. I'll never be able to do this around a girl.' But that's the wonderful thing about the moment you find the relationship you're meant to be in," Daniel said in an 2020 interview with Metro. "It's like, 'Oh, I can do all of that stuff and you don't mind. And you actually think it's fun, too. This is fantastic!'"

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Lady Gaga Turns Heads In NYC As Harley Quinn In First Look For ‘Joker: Folie Ă  Deux’ - Deadline

It’s no joke – Lady Gaga was spotted on Saturday in New York City for a first look at her as Harley Quinn in the upcoming film sequel, Joker: Folie Deux.

Gaga was being filmed at the New York County Supreme Court in downtown Manhattan, surrounded by police. The crowd scene saw extras carrying picket signs imploring, “Free Joker.”

The Gaga version of Harley Quinn sported a bright red blazer with a top in the traditional Quinn black-and-white diamonds. This was accompanied by a black leather skirt and black stockings with diamond shapes.

Todd Phillips is directing this sequel to The Joker, which is scheduled for October 2024. Joaquin Phoenix returns as The Joker, with Zazie Beetz also back as Sophie Dumond.

Brendan Gleeson and Catherine Keener have undisclosed roles.

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Friday, March 24, 2023

Abbott Elementary's Sheryl Lee Ralph Claims She Was Sexually Assaulted by a 'Famous TV Judge' - PEOPLE

Sheryl Lee Ralph has claimed she was once sexually assaulted by well-known TV figure.

The Abbott Elementary star described the alleged assault by a "famous TV judge" occurred years ago while she was promoting a show at a network event.

She recalled Monday on the Way Up with Angela Yee podcast: "I'm at a very public place. I was suited. I had my suit on. I was handling my business for the television show I was on at that time. He and I were on the same network."

Ralph continued, "This man walked in, grabbed me by the back of my neck, turned me around and rammed his nasty-ass tongue down my throat. And everybody at the network saw it."

Kevin Winter/Getty

While she did not name the man, the actress, who was starring on Moesha at the time, did clarify that it was not Judge Greg Mathis.

"I love him. He's a great man," she said about Mathis. "Not him at all. He's a great man. This was another one."

Ralph also said that she tried to report the incident, and called then-mayor of New Orleans Marc Morial, who she says asked her: "You want me to send the police there right now? 'Cause we will fix this, you know what!"

But Ralph said network executives didn't want to take the chance the incident might become public.

"Somebody on the network tapped me on the shoulder saying, 'Please don't,'" she said. "They did not want any bad press around their show, and did not care what had just happened to me."

A rep for Ralph did not immediately respond to PEOPLE's request for additional comments.

Chris Haston/NBC via Getty

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Ralph said she'd experienced other "Me Too" moments over the course of her career, including another alleged sexual assault and a time when a promoter in appropriately put his hand on her leg.

Ralph said these alleged incidents caused her to question reality and her perception of it.

"My skirt is at my knees. I have on a sweater blouse," she recalled. "It's horrible. It's like I can think about these things and I'll tell you, it was like the third time something like this had happened to me, and I thought to myself, 'What did I do to deserve that? What made this man think that he could just come over and put his hands on my body, in front of [everyone]' — he didn't know me."

Ralph is speaking out now in hopes that it will empower others to do so too.

"Speak up, tell your truth, do not carry the burden of the pain," she encouraged, adding, "especially if you feel like it's something you can't work through."

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, please contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or go to

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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Gisele BĂŒndchen breaks silence on divorce: "It's like a death and a rebirth" - CBS News

Months after their divorce was announced, supermodel Gisele BĂŒndchen is breaking her silence on her marriage to now-retired NFL quarterback Tom Brady. The tell-all interview was published by Vanity Fair on Wednesday.

BĂŒndchen told the magazine, "it's like a death and a rebirth" and she now mourned "the death of my dream."

Before tearing up, she said, "It's tough because you imagine your life was going to be a certain way, and you did everything you could, you know?" 

"You give everything you got to achieve your dream," she told Vanity Fair. "You give a hundred percent of yourself, and it's heartbreaking when it doesn't end up the way you hoped for, and worked for, but you can only do your part." 

The two ended their 13-year marriage in October, with Brady posting on an Instagram story at the time that they arrived "at this decision amicably and with gratitude for the time we spent together." 

"The decision to end a marriage is never easy but we have grown apart and while it is, of course, difficult to go through something like this, I feel blessed for the time we had together and only wish the best for Tom always," she wrote in a separate statement. 

Months after the announcement, BĂŒndchen addressed rumors of an alleged ultimatum — to choose between her and football — led to their split, saying they were not true. 

"When you love someone, you don't put them in a jail and say, 'You have to live this life,'" she told the magazine. "You set them free to be who they are, and if you want to fly the same direction, then that's amazing." 

But after the interview was published, Brady took to Instagram with a seemingly cryptic message. He posted a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote about the definition of success. 

"What is success?" the quote starts. "To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends."

This Ralph Waldo Emerson quote was posted on the @TomBrady Instagram account less than a day after Gisele BĂŒndchen's interview with Vanity Fair was published. @TomBrady/Instagram

The post goes on to say success is about finding "the best in others" and leaving the world "a bit better." 

BĂŒndchen has made it clear that she holds no ill will towards Brady.  

"If there's one person I want to be the happiest in the world, it's him, believe me," she told the magazine. "I want him to achieve and to conquer. I want all his dreams to come true."

CBS News reached out to Brady for comment and is awaiting a response.

In November, Brady opened up about the divorce on his weekly podcast, saying he and his ex-wife have a "very amicable situation."

While talking to his "Let's Go" co-host and sportscaster Jim Gray about the topic, he reflected that many people go through "things that they deal with at work and they deal with at home." 

"Obviously, the good news is it's a very amicable situation, and I'm really focused on two things: taking care of my family, and certainly my children, and secondly doing the best job I can to win football games," he said. "That's what professionals do."

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‘Vanderpump Rules’: Raquel Leviss And Scheana Shay Will Film Reunion Separately - Deadline

It looks like Bravo dodged a bullet with its planned Vanderpump Rules Season 10 reunion that’s taping today and whether it would run into problems by having stars Raquel Leviss and Scheana Shay in the same room.

Leviss’s attendance at the reunion came into question after she filed a restraining order against Shay following an alleged physical altercation. But a seating chart tweeted out by Bravo shows that the women will participate in separate segments. Deadline also confirmed that the women will have separate dressing rooms and trailers (which is typical for reunions like this, anyway, because of, well, those Bravo women being Bravo women and all).

Earlier today, Shay’s attorney, Neama Rahmani, gave a statement to Page Six saying “Scheana will be present at today’s filming in person. Scheana intends to follow the law, but she wants to be part of the reunion. If Rachel attends, Scheana and Vanderpump Rules will make sure that Scheana remains 100 yards away to comply with the restraining order.”

That’s not the only drama enveloping the long-running Bravo franchise these days. Shortly after Season 10 began airing on the cable network, a bombshell dropped that alleged Leviss and co-star Tom Sandoval had been maintaining an affair for about seven months. Their romance was unknown to fans and fellow cast members, including Ariana Madix, Sandoval’s girlfriend of nine years. Sandoval and Madix are split now and she went on to book a movie at Lifetime.

The scandal was so juicy that Bravo resumed filming the show to capture reactions to the fallout. Former cast member Kristen Doute also made a return to weigh in on Sandoval, her ex-boyfriend.

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'Vanderpump Rules' Reunion: Here's Everything We Know (Exclusive) - Entertainment Tonight

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Early Succession season 4 reviews are absolutley glowing - The A.V. Club

Brian Cox
Brian Cox in Succession
Photo: David Russell/HBO (Getty Images)

The premiere of Succession’s highly-anticipated fourth (and final) season is only a few days away. The A.V. Club will be recapping every episode after it airs, but early reviews are already out and indicate that regardless of where the Roy power struggle ends up, the last battle has been well worth the wait.

Largely across the board, critics agree: anyone who’s been agog to see whether Succession can maintain its momentum in a final season won’t be disappointed. IGN’s Emma Fraser calls the beginning of the new season “spectacularly strong,” writing: “Suffice it to say, creator Jesse Armstrong is going out on top. Decider’s Meghan O’Keefe takes that up a notch, opining that season 4 is “absolutely magnificent” and is “poised to handily sweep the 2023 Emmys.” (Given the results of the 2022 Emmy Awards, that seems pretty plausible.)

Collider’s Samantha Coley calls the first four episodes of Succession’s newest season “some of the show’s most engaging and well-crafted;” Complex’s William Goodman agrees, calling the “action-packed” beginning episodes some of the series’ “best.” Entertainment Weekly’s Kristen Baldwin lauds the series for “taking some impressive risks without sacrificing the character dynamics that make it so viscerally satisfying” in her A- review. As Variety’s Joshua Alston puts neatly, Succession “has a full tank of gas and an 800-pound gorilla’s foot on the pedal.”

The performances from the series’ core four performers—Sarah Snook, Jeremy Strong, Kieran Culkin, and Brian Cox—have also proven a point of commendation, with Vanity Fair’s Richard Lawson writing that “each actor is working in peak form.” Deadline’s Dominic Patten— who writes that Succession’s final season is where it “truly succeeds,”— also highlights Nicholas Braun, Matthew Macfadyen and J. Smith-Cameron’s performances, which he says are all “better than ever” this time around.

The final season of Succession premieres on HBO Sunday, March 26 at 9 P.M. E.T.— make sure to keep up with our weekly episode recaps!

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Katy Perry Has Been Called Out By An “American Idol” Contestant For “Mom Shaming” Her During Her Audition - BuzzFeed News

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  1. Katy Perry Has Been Called Out By An “American Idol” Contestant For “Mom Shaming” Her During Her Audition  BuzzFeed News
  2. 'Idol' Contestant Sara Beth Liebe Calls Katy Perry's Joke 'Hurtful'  PEOPLE
  3. 'American Idol' Contestant Out Katy Perry for 'Mom-Shaming' Joke  Entertainment Tonight
  4. American Idol Contestant Calls Out Katy Perry for 'Mom Shaming' Joke  TooFab
  5. 'American Idol' Contestant Responds After Katy Perry's 'Mom Shaming' Comment  HuffPost
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News
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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

‘Vanderpump Rules’ Stars & Bravolebrities Share Thoughts On Midseason Trailer Showcasing First Look At “Scandoval” Drama - Deadline

Bravo dropped the Vanderpump Rules Season 10 midseason trailer and it showcases a first look into the “Scandoval” drama that has plagued social media in the last weeks.

Filming had already ended for the current season of the reality series but the cable network resumed production when it was revealed that two cast members were having an affair – known as “Scandoval.” Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix have been in a long-term relationship for about nine years and their romance played out as a storyline during Season 2 of the show.

However, it was recently uncovered that Sandoval and co-star Raquel Leviss had been having a secret relationship for about seven months. Bravo cameras picked up the drama and filmed additional scenes to include reactions from the cast in the latter part of the season.

With the midseason trailer dropping, some of the Vanderpump Rules cast members shared their reactions on social media with other Bravolebrities also weighing in.

“I watched the midseason trailer like 40 times and I can’t believe it – it’s insane,” cast member Katie Maloney posted on her Instagram Stories. “I was there and I’m like shook cause the rest of the reason is so good, like, you’re not ready, you’re not ready it’s so good. So, let’s burn some bitches down.”

Maloney is personally affected by the “Scandoval” as throughout Season 10, Leviss tried to make a move on her recently divorced husband Tom Schwartz. The former waitress wanted to have an amicable split with her estranged husband and asked him not to mess around with anybody within their friend group.

Scheana Shay was a massive supporter of Leviss and Schwartz hooking up but after “Scandoval,” has changed her tune. She also took to her Instagram Stories to share her thoughts on the trailer saying, “I just watched the midseason trailer like 10 times. If you haven’t seen it – holy sh** it’s insane.”

Former The Real Housewives of New York City star dropped a comment on Bravo’s official Instagram account that shared the trailer saying, “Wow. Team Ariana and [Katie].”

Family Karma’s Bali Chainani added, “[Katie] and Ariana… strength and grace.”

Former Married to Medicine star Anila Sajja said, “Literally have chills!!!”

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Monday, March 20, 2023

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Def Leppard drummer thanks fans for support after violent attack in Florida - The Guardian

The drummer in the UK’s 1980s rock band Def Leppard, Rick Allen, has spoken publicly for the first time since he suffered a head injury during a violent attack outside a south Florida hotel.

In an Instagram post, the 59-year-old Allen thanked fans for their “overwhelming support” and said he was “focusing on healing” after being assaulted outside the Four Seasons hotel in Fort Lauderdale, about 20 miles north of Miami Beach.

Allen’s message comes after officials in Miami Beach imposed a curfew over the weekend amid two deadly shootings and unruly spring break crowds.

Allen, who lost his left arm in a 1984 car accident, was smoking outside the Four Seasons when he was attacked and knocked to the ground on 12 March, the local news outlet WSVN reported.

Max Edward Hartley, 19, has since been charged with battery in the case.

Allen’s Instagram post said:

“Thank you everyone for your overwhelming support. Your love and prayers are truly helping.”

Allen said his wife, Lauren Monroe, was not with him when he was beaten.

“We are together now, and working on recovering in a safe space. We are focusing on healing for everyone involved,” he said.

“We ask you to join us in our effort to move from confusion and shock to compassion and empathy. We understand this act of violence can be triggering for so many people.

“To all of the fans, veterans, and first responders in our global community we are thinking of you all. Together with love, we can all get through these difficult times.”

Allen was in Fort Lauderdale to play a show with Def Leppard as part of their 40th anniversary tour.

Miami Beach officials said they had implemented a curfew from 11.59pm on Sunday until 6am Monday. Another is likely to be put in place from Thursday until Monday 27 March, officials said. The curfew mainly affected South Beach, the popular spring breakers’ party spot.

The release said the two separate shootings on Friday and early Sunday that left two people dead and “excessively large and unruly crowds” led to the decision.

It is unclear if Hartley, who was visiting Florida from Ohio, was in Fort Lauderdale as part of a spring break trip.

Miami Beach’s mayor, Dan Gelber, said in a video message posted on Sunday that the crowds and presence of numerous guns had “created a peril that cannot go unchecked” despite massive police presence and many city-sponsored activities meant to keep people busy.

“We don’t ask for spring break in our city. We don’t want spring break in our city. It’s too rowdy, it’s too much disorder and it’s too difficult to police,” Gelber said.

  • This article was amended on 20 March 2023 to correct the spelling of Fort Lauderdale.

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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sam Neill Is In Remission From Cancer And Is Back Working, He Tells Upset Fans - Deadline

Jurassic Park star Sam Neill has tried to calm alarmed fans via Instagram following revelations that he’s been battling stage 3 blood cancer.

The struggle was detailed in his upcoming memoir, “Did I Ever Tell You This?”

The 75-year-old Neill was undergoing chemotherapy until he switched to a new drug, one he will need to take monthly for the rest of his life.

“I am alive and well and I have been in remission for 8 months, which feels really good,” he said in a video shared on Instagram Friday. “And I’m alive and kicking and I’m going to work.”

Neill is back working alongside Annette Bening in the limited series, “Apples Never Fall.”

Neill first noticed he had swollen glands while promoting Jurassic World Dominion last March. After consulting a physician, the actor was diagnosed with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, a rare form of blood cancer.

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Saturday, March 18, 2023

Box Office: ‘Shazam! Fury of the Gods’ Gets Down to Business With $11.7 Million Opening Day - Variety

Shazam! Fury of the Gods” is thundering to a No. 1 opening at the box office, though the DC Comics adaptation is expected to fly in lower than its predecessor.

“Fury of the Gods” grossed $11.7 million in opening day ticket sales, a figure that includes $3.4 million in Thursday previews. That’s almost half of the $20.3 million that the 2019 original earned in its first day of release, on its way to a $53 million bow. “Fury of the Gods” carries a production budget of $125 million, which is $25 million higher than its predecessor’s.

Opening in 4,071 theaters, the superhero sequel will likely struggle to reach a $30 million debut. With DC Studios under the newly minted leadership of Peter Safran and James Gunn, “Shazam! 2” represents somewhat of a relic from a bygone regime at the comic book banner. While a film like “The Flash” was also conceived before Safran and Gunn’s tenure, the pair of CEOs have often declared their conviction in the quality of the upcoming Ezra Miller film. Chatter around the “Shazam!” sequel has been much quieter.

Responses are also a step down from the resounding praise that met the original. “Fury of the Gods” currently carries a 26% approval rating from top critics on review aggregate website Rotten Tomatoes. The film did earn a “B+” rating through research firm Cinema Score, indicating general approval among the first round of ticket buyers, but even that is a notable degree down from the first film’s “A” grade.

Starring Zachary Levi, “Shazam! Fury of the Gods” sees Billy Batson (Asher Angel) and his foster siblings using their transformative powers to take on the Daughters of Atlas, who threaten to destroy the world. Rachel Zegler, Adam Brody, Lucy Liu and Helen Mirren round out the film’s cast. David F. Sandberg returns as director.

Scream VI” looks to slide to second place in its sophomore outing, projecting a 60% tumble from its impressive $44 million debut. Paramount and Spyglass Media’s self-branded slasher “requel” looks to earn $18 million this weekend, boosting its domestic total to a substantial $76.5 million. “Scream VI” continues to outperform its 2022 predecessor, which finished its theatrical run with $81 million in North America.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s “Creed III” is headed for bronze, projecting a $15.8 million gross for its third weekend of release. Michael B. Jordan’s boxing drama has held remarkably well since its $58 million debut, a series-high across “Rocky” and “Creed” movies. The domestic gross will push beyond $125 million through Sunday.

Columbia Pictures’ “65” finds itself in fourth place, projecting $5.5 million in its second weekend of release. Sony’s sci-fi thriller, which sees Adam Driver star as a space explorer stranded on prehistoric Earth, should push its domestic gross to an underwhelming $22 million after the weekend.

Marvel’s “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” rounds out the top five, adding $1.1 million on Friday. Now in its fifth weekend of release, the Disney release has pushed beyond the $200 million mark at the domestic box office. Whether the film will be able to match the $216 million haul that its 2018 predecessor made in North America remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, “Everything Everywhere All at Once” expanded in its 52nd weekend of release as a victory lap for its best picture win at the Academy Awards last Sunday. Now playing in 1,633 venues, the A24 comedy looks to add $1.1 million over the three-day frame, padding its domestic gross to $75.4 million.

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